Lynch Architects

Lynch Architects is a London-based RIBA Chartered practice that prides itself on providing imaginative and empathetic solutions to complex technical and cultural challenges. Marsh View, a house that we crafted out of parts of a 1950s Norfolk bungalow between 2003-8, was described in The Observer by Stephen Bailey, as "masterpiece", and Ellis Woodman, the director of the Architecture Foundation, observed in the Architects Journal in 2016 that "Lynch Architectsí buildings at Victoria should see us all out." For the past 26 years we have worked at almost every scale on nearly all types of building in every sector - from individual houses to social and private housing schemes, cultural and commercial projects, new-buildings and renovations. We have expertise and deep interest in heritage and conservation design, and extensive academic and professional experience of working with listed buildings and in conservation areas. We have won a number of awards, including best office building at The World Architecture Festival in 2016, and publishers regularly seek us out to feature our work in architectural journals across the world. We were privileged to exhibit our residential, commercial and master-planning designs to our international peers at the Venice Biennale in 2008 and in 2012, and at the Milan Triennial in 2018. We believe in the craft of architecture, and that good design entails the search for a poetic economy of means.

As well as teaching and a commitment to working with teenagers within our community, we run a small publishing house from within the practice, Canalside Press, which publishes the Journal of Civic Architecture (JoCA) as well as books on the history of modern architecture, photography and poetry. Dr Patrick Lynch, the founding partner, has written a number of books, two of which - published by Artifice/Blackdog - are available to purchase via the Books and Writing section of this website, as are copies of the JoCA. For details of this, and other book publications, see

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Patrick Lynch

Patrick Lynch founded was born in Oxfordshire and studied architecture at The University of Liverpool 1987–1993. He holds an M-Phil in The History and Philosophy of Architecture from The University of Cambridge 1995–6 where he was supervised by Dalibor Vesely. Patrick gained his PhD from London Metropolitan University in 2015, where he was supervised by Peter Carl, Helen Mallinson and Joseph Rykwert, and he also studied theology and philosophy at The University of Oxford. His writing and design work has been widely published. His books include The Theatricality of the Baroque City (2011) and Mimesis (2015). Civic Ground, a version of his PhD, was published in 2017. He is a member of RIBA, The Art Worker's Guild, The Worshipful Company of Architects, and sits on Islington Council's Design Review Panel and RIBA Education Committee. Patrick is the editor and publisher of the Journal of Civic Architecture, which is published twice a year by Canalside Press. He established the press in 2018, from within the offices of Lynch Architects. On Intricacy, a book with and about the English architect John Meunier was published in 2020, Change is the Reality: The Work of Robin Walker Architect appeared in 2021, and Part of a City: The Work of Neave Brown Architect was published in 2022. Patrick has taught at the Architectural Association, London Met, UCD, Kingston, and Cambridge. He is an Honorary Professor at The University of Liverpool, and also teaches part-time at The Bartlett UCL and at KU Leuven. He can be found on Instagram @pad_lynch

Claudia Lynch

Claudia Lynch

Claudia Lynch studied architecture at T.U. Dresden 1990–5 and at The University of North London 1995–7. Before joining Lynch Architects full time in 2005 she worked on medium and large scale projects for Michael Wilford & Partners and as an associate at van Heyningen & Haward. She is a member of RIBA.


David Evans

David Evans studied at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London 1983–1989. He worked in the office of EPR Architects Ltd from 1989 to 2009 becoming a Director in 2004, a position he held until joining Lynch Architects in 2010. David has taught architectural design at undergraduate level at the University of Liverpool, and is a Professional (Part 3) Examiner at London Metropolitan University. He is a member of  RIBA.

Rachel Eliott

Rachel Elliott
Associate Director

Rachel Elliott studied at The Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow University, from 1995-2002. She worked at van Heyningen & Haward from 2002 before joining Lynch Architects in 2010 and has worked on a wide range of projects, acting as client representative for the delivery of the Kings Gate and The Zig Zag Building developments in Westminster. Rachel has significant experience working on listed buildings, including extensive involvement in the redevelopment of Corfield Court, an historic mixed-use city block for St John’s College, Cambridge, while at van Heyningen & Haward. She has attended the SPAB Repair of Old Buildings Course and the RIBA Conservation Course and obtained accreditation as a Conservation Architect. Rachel was most recently the project architect for Westminster Coroner's Court project for Westminster City Council. She is a member of RIBA.

Luke McDonald

Luke McDonald
Associate Director

Luke studied architecture at Manchester University 2004–10, joining Lynch Architects as a graduate in 2010, where he worked on the initial and detail design of Kings Gate. He was the project architect for the Kings Gate penthouses, and is currently the project architect for n3, an office building for Landsec at Victori. He is a member of RIBA.

Carol James

Carol James
Associate Director

Carol studied engineering at the University of Warwick from 1985 to 1988 and architecture at the University of Bath from 1994 to 1998 and the University of Edinburgh 1998–2000. She then worked at Feilden Clegg Bradley Studio from 2000–2007 followed by Patel Taylor from 2007–2011. Carol was the project architect for n2, an office building for Landsec in Westminster and is now working on a community centre for Westminster City Council. She is a member of RIBA.


Rory Gaylor

Rory studied architecture at London Metropolitan University and before joining Lynch Architects in 2023 he worked with Sir David Chipperfield and Sir David Adjaye. He is a qualified architect and also an accomplished architectural photographer.


Lynch Architects
Unit 66 Regent Studios
8 Andrews Road
London E8 4QN

T +44 (0)20 7278 2553


We are always looking for talented people to work with, and sometimes have vacancies.

To apply please send your CV, cover letter and examples of your work for the attention of Patrick Lynch.

Please note that we will only accept hard copy applications. Email applications will not be considered.